We have been Window Tinting vehicles in Northamptonshire for over 20 years and are the longest established ‘Window Tinting Company’ in Northamptonshire.
We also offer Window Tint Training Courses
How long do you need my vehicle for?? We would prefer to have it for the most part of a ‘day’ to ensure the perfect installation and quality checks are passed before you collect.
We usually book time slots for your vehicle – Single Glass or Smaller / 3dr Vehicles can sometimes be fitted whilst you wait, so you don’t always need an appointment – but it is better to book beforehand if you can.
What choice of tint is there? – You can choose between the following tints: 5% (LIMO), 20%(MEDIUM FACTORY SHADE) and 35% (LIGHT CHARCOAL) – We can also supply reflective, Chameleon and special colour tints upon request.
Is there a Warranty? – Yes – the manufacturers warranty is 8 Years and we also offer a lifetime warranty on installation.
Why do I need Tinted Windows? – All our tints offer 99% UV Protection against the Sun which is great news to protect your skin and eyes, keeps your vehicle cooler in the hot weather and can protect UV damage to the interior of your vehicle
Privacy & Security for items left in your vehicle is a must for some customers, 5% LIMO offering the maximum in privacy, Tinted windows will also assist in holding the glass together in the event of accidental breakage….and lastly….tinted windows offer great styling to your vehicle!!! get in touch if you would like to book an appointment.